When You Can’t Find Energy to Exercise During Pregnancy

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It can be hard to stay fit and feel your best when you feel like you have no energy to exercise during your pregnancy. I have some tips to get motivated for your workouts so you can be the healthiest mama you can be!

Pregnancy can take all of your energy

During my pregnancy I have felt great and energetic and like nothing could stop me. I have also felt like bringing the food to my mouth was too much work. I find that it varies through the trimesters. The first can make or break you. Between morning sickness and heartburn ruining your appetite, it is hard to maintain the proper nutrition to support those energy needs. Especially when our bodies are super busy building our little peanut and the placenta, phew!

The second trimester is supposed to be your best friend. Your appetite returns and your hormones begin to balance out. But during the third, the physical adjustments of your growing belly start to weigh on you, literally. Making a trip up the stairs feel like your day’s workout. Not to mention the mental stress (exctiement and concerns) that can also be depleting as you near delivery day. Oh and did I mention that sleeping with a watermelon belly and restless legs are a recipe for 8 glorious hours?

I know, I am getting tired just thinking about it, so let’s talk about how you can still find the energy to exercise during your pregnancy!

Finding the energy to exercise during pregnancy

What is your “why”? Start by setting goals or remembering the ones you have made at the beginning of pregnancy. It could be as simple as getting 30 minutes of activity a day. Or to stay within the range of weight gain your doctor suggested to you. Maybe it was to maintain your strength to help with labor. Don’t let exercise be a chore!

Be productive. One of the best things I have found to get me motivated is to get the ball rolling with my task list. For me, knocking out some chores makes me feel accomplished and ready to take out the “task” of my daily workout. As a result, my body “wakes up” for the day.

Something is better than nothing. Keep in mind that any exercise, a walk in the park, a 10 minute workout, or even stretching is better than nothing. So just do something!

hip stretch to help get energized for exercise

Stay hydrated. Water, water, and more water! Drink enough to maintain that pale yellow color. A simple cue if you are hydrated. If you have a hard time try my Simple Hydration Hacks For Pregnancy!

Get the right nutrition. Be sure to take that prenatal vitamin and review your diet with your doctor to make sure you are getting the proper nutrients.

Get those Zzzz’s. Try your best to get those 8 hours of sleep. Harder said than done but it makes all the difference. If you can squeeze a nap in, do it!

Find balance. Stress is cumulative. Work, relationships, kids; all the things that require you to pour from your cup can be adding up and draining your energy levels. Reevaluate and try not to spread yourself too thin while balancing fitness and motherhood.

Start the day off with your workout. Even if you did not get the best night of sleep, you will have the most energy at the beginning of your day. Schedule your morning workout like it’s an important meeting with yourself, because it is! Try my morning workout motivation tips if you need a little push.

Stay fit during your pregnancy

Keeping the energy to exercise during pregnancy

Nine months is a long time. But the most important thing you can do is to maintain consistency. And staying motivated through the majority of a year, as your energy levels fluctuate may be a challenge, and that’s ok! Try not to be too hard on yourself mama.

Be flexible. Maybe your body is telling you to take a day to just rest even if you planned on working out. Or you are not feeling that cardio style workout that you had planned, so opt for a lift or stretch instead! It is easier to stay motivated when you do not feel drained or forced.

Set a routine. People are creatures of habit. We like it. Your body likes it. Try to maintain a consistent workout time each day or pattern throughout the week so your mind doesn’t try to talk you out of it.

Hold yourself accountable. That could be incorporating a workout buddy. Or telling your husband to ask how your workout went that day. Even keeping an accountability chart that calls for little rewards after you hit a goal, like a prenatal massage or new nail polish.

(Pssst! click the link above for your very own FREE accountability chart)

Finally, make it fun! Try new workouts. Put on your favorite music and dance for exercise. Get your kids involved. Whatever brings the most joy to your fitness.

Stay strong mama

ready to exercise during pregnancy

You may feel like you have no energy to exercise during your pregnancy, but you just have to find it! Now scroll down for follow along workouts to help you get motivated on those lazy days.

Prenatal Lazy Mobility Workout

If you are looking for a fun workout to mix into your routine, learn how to incorporate pregnancy safe HIIT workouts!

About the Author

Coach Zoe

Fitness trainer and mom of 3! I love working out, hanging out with my family, and motivating others.

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