Ease back into fitness

I am here to guide, instruct, and motivate you through each workout so you stay focused and have fun. 

Build Muscular Endurance

Varying between light weights and calisthenics with a full body approach.

Improve Aerobic Conditioning

A gradual increase in pace and intensity to increase cardiovascular performance.

Activate Core Strength

Focusing on deep core strength activation in postpartum safe movements.

Improve Posture

Working to correct muscular imbalances caused by pregnancy and postnatal movement patterns.

Work At Your Pace

Follow along at a pace that is good for your body and abilities.

Have Fun!

Programmed with 17 different workouts that will keep your daily routine from geting monotonous.

Made For Moms, By A Mom

I designed and recorded this program while in my own Postpartum Early Recovery. That way I could create workouts that are tailored to the needs and abilities of a new mom.

Ready to ease back into a fitness routine?

After recovery and clearance by your physician, join me for this 4-week program to ease back into a regular fitness routine. Watch below to get an idea of what to expect!


Ease back into fitness

A 4-week program made for new moms that are looking to build their fitness at a safe and gradual pace.


Frequently Asked Questions

Find out if this program is right for you.

I recommend this program to be used as an introductory back into fitness. After recovery and clearance by your physician, join me for this 4-week program to ease back into a regular fitness routine. Listen to your body, and if the program is too intense then stop, wait, & consult your physician before starting again.


You do not need gym access, just a yoga mat size area that is large enough to watch the videos while you follow along. You do not need equipment but 2 light dumbbells (5lb. each or less) and/or 1-2 mini loop resistance bands are recommended.

Once I give you access upon purchase, each week will have a Monday-Sunday format laid out with a link to the workouts prescribed for each day.

Starting with just bodyweight workouts that will gradually utilize light weights and/or resistance bands. Throughout the program we will maintain a focus of re-laying the foundation of core strength and posture integrity. We will also gradually improve cardiovascular endurance as well as general full body muscular endurance. That way you will reactivate your muscles in proper movement patterns as you improve your conditioning in a controlled and gradual pace. My goal is to improve your early postpartum conditioning in a way that helps you to maintain form integrity when you do return to higher intensity exercise. Otherwise to minimize bad habits and poor exercise technique for when you return to your previous exercise routine.

Ready To Get Started?

Join me for as you return to fitness as a new mom. We will get fit, build a routine, and have fun!

**Results are not guaranteed and may vary between each person. Please participate at your own risk.**