How To Boost Confidence After Having A Baby

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Easy and simple things you can do everday to feel more comfortable in your body and boost your confidence after having a baby.

The postpartum phase can be so tough physically and mentally. Your are tired from lack of sleep. Learning your little ones habits and cues can be stressful. Your body is recovering from a major physical event. You may have new aches and pains.

And on top of all of that, you might feel less than excited about the way pregnancy has changed your body. Even while acknowledging and being grateful that your body has done such an amazing thing… and that’s okay!

Is it normal to lose confidence after having a baby?

Personally, I think most moms lose confidence after having a baby to some degree. You “want your body back” and to feel confident again, and that is completely normal.

Unfortunately, there is so much “bounce back” culture today. Between social media, returning to work, and the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, it’s easy to feel caught up in it all.

But, it’s unrealistic to expect so much of your mind and body! Having unrealistic expectations will set you up for failure and a blow to your confidence.

Your body has been slowly changing over the course of 9 MONTHS. It’s unrealistic to expect yourself to look and feel the same soon after pregnancy.

To be truthful, it takes at least 6 months for me to feel “almost normal.” My belly is usually still soft with those last 10 pounds, my performance is still gradually improving in my workouts, and my back and joint pain is just starting to fade.

Not every woman is the same, and some bounce back quicker than others, but don’t compare yourself to them or even your pre-baby self!

All that said, regardless of weight, performance, or even mentality, the biggest factor for better comfort and self confidence is your posture, in my honest opinion.

Remember that it took time for your body to change and adjust to your pregnancy, so it will take time (and a little work) to get it back to your pre-baby physique.

During pregnancy, our posture tends to get adjusted. Typically, we gravitate to a forward posture and a posterior pelvic tilt, simply due to the natural weight distribution of pregnancy.

That weight distribution (and regular prenatal contraindications) can make your mobility become quite limited. Resulting in muscular imbalances that show up as poor posture.

forward prenatal posture
Prenatal Forward Posture

After pregnancy we have weakened abdominals or even diastasis recti. We may have a heavier chest due to breast growth.

Plus, the general care for newborns that contributes. Carrying baby in a cradle position. Nursing, pumping, bottle feeding, burping baby, and changing your baby’s diapers all contribute to poor posture habits after pregnancy. Everyday, over and over again, for months.

Forward posture can cause back discomfort, shoulder aches, and even headaches from a tight and stiff neck.

When the alignment of our upper spine is drawn forward, the result is added weight carried by our backs. We essentially need to relieve this posture to re-center our alignment again.

One of the things I always harp is that an aligned posture is the key to a functional, comfortable, and confident body.

How to boost confidence after having a baby?

Boost your confidence after having a baby by implementing a daily routine that emphsizes posture alignment and fixing muscular imbalances.

Adjust daily habits

Be aware of how you move and hold your body in space. pay attention to any tension you may be carrying or over stretching of your muscles throughout the day.

Try to sit with back support on a firmer surface while nursing, feeding, burping, and holding your baby. Opt for wearing your baby instead of holding with your arms. Lay on your belly while playing with baby. Try to sleep flat on your back or with pillows for support while on your side. Be sure to hinge at the hips when bending over or picking something off the ground.

Consistent strength training

Follow a regular workout regimen, that targets each major muscle group of the body, specifically being sure to focus on strengthening the abdominals, back, quad, and glute muscles.

Do this by activating and strengthening your traps, lats, and erectors. Some of my favorite exercises that strengthen the posterior chain are deadlifts, bent over rows, supermans, reverse flys, and resistance band lat pulldowns.

You will aslo need to gradually strengthen your abdominals and/or correct your diastasis recti so your low back has more support and is not becoming too tight. Check out my post on Correcting Diastasis Recti for Good if you think you may have it.

Finally, stretch and loosen tight chest, shoulder, and hamstring muscles. Stretches like a back extension, pectoral stretch, down dog, back bends, and cherry pickers are my go-to’s.

If you would like more structure, I developed a Postpartum Workout Program designed for postpartum moms that are looking for a guided 4-week plan that helps them return to exercise as they focus on core stability, pelvic floor strength, and gradual progression of full body fitness.

Posture mindfulness

Stand tall, roll your shoulders back and down, keep your chin up, and stack your shoulder over your hips. Check in throughout the day with your alignment and reposition yourself until it becomes natural and standard.

Honestly, good posture is how you can instantly fix your mom bod for good!

Now what exactly does posture do to help your confidence? I am sure many of you are curious. Have you ever noticed that posture can really set a tone of how someone carries themself?

When aligned, you will be holding the posture of a confident woman. You will physically feel the positive effects of good posture on your attitude.

Think of athletes for example. Does the athlete that is looking at the floor and with a slumped posture scream winner? Not exactly. And I am sure they don’t feel like they’ve won when you see them like that.

When they stand tall with their shoulders back and chins up you know they feel confident in their performance and abilities. So let out your inner athlete! Stand tall. Roll your shoulders back. Keep your chin up. You will feel more confident and you will also be pulling your posture in line at the same time.

Plus, your mood will improve when you aren’t constanly uncomfortable or in pain. It is so important for moms to feel good about themselves and their bodies after baby.

You SHOULD feel good about yourself and that confidence boost will motivate you to stay on track with your health and fitness. An object in motion stays in motion, right?

Will I ever get my pre-pregnancy body back?

You can get your pre-pregnancy body back with a clean diet, an effective workout routine, and fixing bad posture habits.

  1. Following a clean diet is as simple as eliminating over processed foods that hold little nutritional value and choosing whole, minimally processed foods instead. This method calls for zero tracking and focuses on the nutritional value of foods rather than numbers. I have an entire post where I teach you Clean Eating To Make Your Fitness Simple.
  2. Finding a structure workout routine will help you stay consistent and accountable with your daily exercise. Whether you create one for yourself or choose one of my FREE workout routines designed for women, be sure to adjust your workouts accordingly as your body tells you!
  3. Fixing your posture is a gradual process that will take consistent effort and mindfulness to correct. If you need more guidance, check out my post 7 Postpartum Habits To Avoid For Better Posture After Pregnancy. This will help you attack the daily habits in more depth for a better postpartu posture.

My suggestion is to make these 3 things the focus of your fitness regimen by doing them as often as needed until you see and FEEL improvement. Then continue to implement these elements afterwards for maintenance.

Workouts to boost confidence after having a baby

I have created an entire Functional and Corrective Workout Playlist on youtube. These workouts focus on compound exercises that strengthen and mobilize your body to work and feel the best it ever has!

These workouts are designed to improve your posture and help you feel confident!

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About the Author

Coach Zoe

Fitness trainer and mom of 3! I love working out, hanging out with my family, and motivating others.

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