Fit in 15 Minutes Workout Program


Get fit in 15 minutes a day with this at home workout program. Improve full body strength and cardio while building a workout routine over 4 weeks using bodyweight and dumbbell exercises. Everyday consisting of a different and unique workout video to keep it fun and effective!


Get fit in 15 minutes a day with my at home workout program. You will work to improve strength and cardio while building a workout routine over 4 weeks. We will work with a variety of basic compound exercises that will lay the foundation for proper technique and movement patterns as you get fit. We will gradually build our intensity through interval training as you increase aerobic capacity and cardiovascular fitness. This program is designed for anyone that is looking to get started, trying to get back on the wagon after sometime off, or busy moms struggling to stay consistent because they are short on time. This program will help you stay focused and accountable. All while improving overall fitness with a consistent workout routine.

No more excuses. You can get fit in 15 minutes with this at home workout program.

How the Fit in 15 Minutes Workout Program works

This program will begin with longer work and rest intervals that will consist of lower intensity exercises. As your body becomes more conditioned we will adjust to shorter work and rest intervals of higher intensity exercises. Throughout the program we will incorporate weighted and bodyweight movements for a well rounded approach. I designed this program to gradually alter elements of exercise to cause progressive overload at a rate that is challenging but realistic. Within 4 weeks, I will have you seeing and feeling your performance improve. All you will need are 2 dumbbells (or even something that resembles like water bottles, cans, etc.) and a little bit of space.

After purchase, you will  receive (via email with receipt) the Fit in 15 Workout Program PDF calender with clickable links to the workout video for each day. Download the PDF and save it to your phone for quick access everyday.

Be sure to follow any recommended modifications as needed or to modify as needed for your body and limitations. Don’t skip the warm-ups as they are crucial for safety and maximizing performance. Listen to your body and have fun!

Always consult with your physician before starting this or any exercise or fitness program. During your workout, if you feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, short of breath, or any pain please stop and seek medical attention immediately. Results are not guaranteed and may vary per person. Participate at your own risk.